Spider-Man / Homme araignée / Hombre araña (Bilingual) [Blu-ray]
Tobey Maguire (Actor), Willem Dafoe (Actor) Format: Blu-ray
4.5 out of 5 stars 2,020 ratings
Product details
- Aspect Ratio : 1.85:1
- Is Discontinued By Manufacturer : No
- Language : English
- Product Dimensions : 16.51 x 12.7 x 1.27 cm; 300 Grams
- Canadian Home Video Rating : Parental Guidance (PG)
- Director : Sam Raimi
- Media Format : Subtitled, NTSC
- Run time : 2 hours and 1 minute
- Release date : June 5 2012
- Actors : Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson
- Dubbed: : Thai, Japanese, Portuguese, French, Spanish
- Subtitles: : English, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Thai, Portuguese, Korean, French, Spanish
- Language : English (DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1), French (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- Studio : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
- Producers : Laura Ziskin
- Country of origin : USA
- Number of discs : 1
- Best Sellers Rank: #5,117 in Movies & TV Shows (See Top 100 in Movies & TV Shows)
- #1,903 in Blu-ray
Product description
Average teenager Peter Parker is transformed into an extraordinary super hero after he is accidentally bitten by a radioactive spider. When his beloved uncle is savagely murdered during a robbery, young Peter vows to use his powers to avenge his death. Deeming himself "Spider-Man ," he sets about ridding the streets of crime, bringing him into conflict with malevolent super-villain "Green Goblin."
Description du produit
Homme araignée
L'adolescent moyen Peter Parker est transformé en un super héros extraordinaire après avoir été accidentellement mordu par une araignée radioactive. Lorsque son oncle bien-aimé est sauvagement assassiné lors d'un vol, le jeune Peter jure d'utiliser ses pouvoirs pour venger sa mort. Se considérant comme "Spider-Man", il entreprend de débarrasser les rues du crime, le mettant en conflit avec le super-méchant malveillant "Green Goblin".
Descripción del Producto
Hombre araña
El adolescente promedio Peter Parker se transforma en un superhéroe extraordinario después de que una araña radiactiva lo muerda accidentalmente. Cuando su amado tío es salvajemente asesinado durante un robo, el joven Peter jura usar sus poderes para vengar su muerte. Al considerarse a sí mismo "Spider-Man", se propone librar las calles del crimen, lo que lo pone en conflicto con el malévolo supervillano "Green Goblin".